Out of the cold and darkness of February, something new is about to rise. Spawned by Zine Month and forged by a cabal of gifted zealots it has taken shape and is about to burst into existence on an internet near you. Heroic Expeditions (HEX) is a fanzine stuffed with new content, options, and flavor for The Fantasy Trip or any old-school RPG.
Nestled within its pages you will find:
- New race options and spells by Joe Tippets
- Priestly rites and sacred ceremonies from Donovan Beard
- Alternatives for XP progression and talents by Nils Lindeberg
- A horrid magical malady by Timm Meyers
- New serial adventure by Dave Pauwels
- A new original TFT adventure from John Leising
- An action-packed tale where you play out the finish by Anthony Shostak
- Monsters, house rules, magic items, and more!
Heroic Expeditions will be available as a digital download or print-on-demand from MagCloud in the next few days, so gird your loins and buckle your swashes. Adventure awaits!