New Optional Spells for TFT


Death Mask (T)

Use of this spell fools the undead into thinking the caster is a spirit as well. Most manifesting spirits will ignore them, and must succeed on a 3d/IQ test to notice the deception even ion they interact with them. Physical undead like ghouls will ignore the subject as well unless roused, while more intelligent entities like vampires will be more suspicious and get an automatic save test. The spell costs 2ST to cast and 1/round to maintain.


Read Portent (S)

This ritual spell allows the caster to use a divining device (runes, cards, entrails, etc.) to get a sense of how the future will unfold. Casting requires one minute and 2ST, and then the GM rolls against the caster’s IQ. Success will give a general idea of the outcome (positive, negative, or neutral) of a future event within the next hour. Critical success may impart more specific indications, and a critical failure will deliver an incorrect and often dire result. Note that magically enhanced divining devices exist that can add improve the outcome.


Silence (C)

Perhaps because of their long exposure to quiet archives, librimancers with this spell can snuff all noise from a single hex. This does not bar noises from around that hex in an open area, but if cast on a doorway noises could only be heard as if through the wall. Costs 1ST per turn.



3-Hex Silence (C)

Like the Silence spell above, but covering 3 connected hexes. Costs 2ST.


Airbubble (T)

This spell provides a figure with a small pocket of atmosphere around their heads to offset the risks of long-term exposure in the Scintillant. The spell costs 3ST to cast and lasts for 24 hours. Terrestrially, the spell will allow a figure to breathe underwater, but slows their swimming MA by 2.

Several other spells are staples of a skyship wizard. Far vision gives a lookout the ability to spot enemies at a much greater distance, and explosive gems add punch to catapult bursts. Once ships close, battlefield control spells like multi-hex Fires and Slippery Floors come into their own.


Beseech Spirit (S)

This spell attempts to contact a planar spirit and request a boon such as guidance, a single-use benefit, or to remove an affliction. The ritual takes 10 rounds to cast, and up to six may join in the attempt. Successfully beseeching the spirit does not guarantee compliance. To gain the boon, the supplicant must succeed at an IQ test at -10, modified by several factors:

Priest talent
Hallowed location+2IQ
Relevant offerings+1-3IQ, determined by the GM
Contacting lesser spirit +4IQ
Additional supplicants +1IQ

This roll should be made by the GM, and modifiers should be applied by them as well. Being a trained priest is effective, but in not every circumstance. Also, different spirits will be appeased by different offerings — a nature spirit might appreciate rare incense or handicrafts while a darker entity might only accept sacrificial blood. Critical success on this test could mean a much greater boon offered and may garner the attention of the spirit itself. Critical failures arouse their ire and may not bode well for the caster. Costs 10ST, which is spent whether or not the boon is granted.


Ritual Magic: (S) [in]

Allows groups of wizards to cast larger spells, on subjects locally or far away. The spell involves using strict ceremonies, including candles, special ingredients, chanting, etc. to focus the wizards’ minds and expand the working of the spell.

ST cost to perform this spell: 5. The time to cast a ceremonial spell is 10 times the normal casting time. If spells are directed at enemy vessels, the casting difficulty is -4adjDX for each tactical hex beyond the first.

Second, the energy cost of the spell is calculated by multiplying the cost of the spell by the radius of hexes it will ultimately affect. Note that for a spell designed for a single subject to affect an entire hex, would add one to the radius So, if you wished to cast Reverse Missiles on a sloop (1 to cover a complete hex plus the ship’s 4-hex radius) it would cost 10 ST (2 ST x 5) for the first round (plus the cost of Ceremonial Magic spell), and 5 ST for each additional round. Note that this radius is roughly spherical and is always calculated as such regardless of the deck configuration of any given vessel.

The extended casting time of typical ceremonial magic spells is problematic in combat situations, however. Clever wizards have solved this problem by crafting vessels with magical conduits built directly into the ship. These channels are all centered on a Locus Arcane which allows ceremonial magic to be achieved with only two rounds of ritual.

A locus arcane can be added to a skyship for $10,000 per megahex of the ship in materials and time. It requires $100/month to maintain. For each month a locus is not maintained, the risk of catastrophic spell failure increases by 1.


Channel Spirit (S)

This spell allows the spirit of the dead to speak through the caster and answer questions. The spirit contacted must have a connection to the wizard — either the physical body or grave, or items that were of great importance to the spirit in life. The GM may adjust the casting difficulty based on the power of the connection. Spirits fade quickly as well, so the casting test is made at -1 for each day the spirit has been dead. If successful, the spirit can speak through the spell caster. It must communicate, but is not compelled to be truthful (although it could be, see below) for 12 rounds.


Holy Water (S)

This spell is used to create a vessel of pure water imbued with divine power that is dangerous effective against creatures of unlike. Similar in effect to an Explosive Gem, a holy water phial can be thrown for 1d of damage for each 5ST used in the casting (up to 8d) and phials of 6d or higher will do 1d of damage to underworld creatures in adjacent hexes. The water does not damage mundane creatures. Only pure fresh water can be enchanted this way.


Soul Shield (T)

This spell is used to provide some measure of protection against evil forces that try to possess mortal souls. If a shielded figure is attacked by the possessor, it gains a 3/IQ resistance test to avoid the control. If the spell is cast while possession is being attempted, the check is made against 4/IQ. It also offers +2 IQ to resist obsession, oppression, and stigmatization. It cost 5ST to cast and lasts 12 hours.



Compel Spirit (T)

When in the presence of an undead spirit, the wizard can try to force it to answer questions even do their budding. The spirit gets an immediate IQ saving test, and if it fails it will answer one question each round the spell is maintained (up to the wizard’s IQ). Alternately, the caster can compel the spirit to act on their command. In this case, the spirit gets a save every round the Compulsion continues. While this spell is commonly used to question ghosts and other incorporeal entities, it can be used to command ghouls, wights, and even vampires, but these creatures tend to turn on the necromancer as soon as the spell is completed.

Most spirits do not wish to remain on this side of the veil. A necromancer can help them pass on to the next world. In most cases this is a benign act, but if a spirit is freed before it can finish a task it was bound to, it will reform in 24 hours.



Blood Pact (S)
This ritual spell allows the caster to create a magical contract with a willing target. It requires consideration on both sides, but the caster’s requirement is not specific. When complete, the caster spends ST as if casting the Control Person spell (3ST +1ST per additional turn). At any later time, the caster may destroy the contract to enact the spell. The target gets not IQ save unless ordered directly act against their nature (i.e, harm themselves or a loved one). If the actions are specified in the contract, the caster need not be in the presence of the target for the spell to take effect.


Augment Carving (S)

Lets a wizard create an enchanted carving. The wizard must know both the Augment Carving spell and the spell to be written on the scroll. ST cost: None. Writing a scroll requires a wizard’s whole effort for as many days as the IQ required for the spell; they must make his DX roll once on each of those days or their knife slips and it ruins the scroll. Therefore, ST cost is inapplicable; it just takes days of work. A scroll cannot be made for any spell that creates a magic item.

The more complex the magic, the more elaborate the carving must be. And since any figure may try and activate a scrimshaw, it costs twice as much to create an enchanted carving.


Scribed Servant (S)

This magical servant, often known as a Sheaf, is used for small assistance or to carry messages. It appears as a complex folded sheet of paper in the form of an animal or miniature person. It has ST3 and MA6 or 12 if in a bird form. The sheaf cannot speak or hear, but shares a bond with its caster and does what it is instructed. It can be written upon to deliver a message and will accept a response. To create a Scribed Servant, the wizard needs a prepared scroll (of any kind) that has been cleaned with Delete Writing. In the course of the ritual, an additional $25 in materials is used and 10ST spent. If successful, the Servant will fold itself into the desired shape to do its master’s bidding. Failure wastes the materials but the scroll can be used. The Servant remains active for a full day and can be re-activated for a day for 3ST. At no time can a wizard have more than five active scribed servants.


Shadow-step (S)

This spell allows the caster to step between areas of deep shadow instantly, like a teleport. The wizard must be able to see or visualize the shadows where they reappear. Complete darkness is best, but a wizard can step into lesser shadows like those from a fire or lantern light at -2IQ. It costs 1ST for each megahex traveled this way.


Summon Planar Servitor (C)

Brings a single hex planar entity (ST24 / DX12 / IQ8 / MA12 / AD2 / D1d+2) to follow the wizard’s orders, but will not cast spells for them. Unless summoned in a specific hallowed place, the servitor can look fiendish, celestial, or animistic at the caster’s choice. Like real planar creatures, a summoned servitor will not bear spells cast on it and will immediately attack any who do so. Costs 4ST, plus 1 each turn the servitor stays.




7-Hex Silence (C)

Like the Silence spells above, but covering 7 connected hexes. Costs 3ST.



Exorcise Spirit (T)

This spell breaks the bond that holds a spirit to the physical world, allowing them to cross over. Any manifesting spirit like a ghost, wraith, night-gaunt will be instantly banished from this realm. The GM may rule that some extremely powerful spirits like revenants or night-gaunt magi get a saving test from this spell. The ST cost of this casting is 10.

Commonly, spirits of the dead are isolated and bound to specific locations. But some places (like graveyards, battlefields and the legendary kingdom of the ghouls) attract spirits in larger numbers. These places are also known to contain secrets coveted by necromancers. A few have found ways to pass among the dead and even be seen as one of them.