Enemy Mine: Adversarial organizations for TFT

“When a sinister person means to be your enemy, they always start by trying to become your friend”

– William Blake

We have discussed on more than a few occasions that the lack of baked-in morality structures (like alignments in D&D) is a key feature of the Fantasy Trip. While any thinking creature might act evilly, almost none of the entities listed in the game are categorically evil.

But every group of heroes needs a foe to take up arms against, and here we suggest groups of people (or monsters) that choose nefarious purpose, or at least a purpose at odds with the player characters. These groups might be large or small, sneaky or overt, wealthy and powerful, or lurking around the lowest edge of society. And they can provide ready enemies or foils to your players’ designs.

But more than providing a buffet of experience points for PCs to feast on, adversaries should have their own goals, tactics, and problems to overcome. This gives the GM more opportunities to hang plots on them, and makes it more satisfying to defeat them. While the best adversary groups would be founded in your campaign lore and make sense in the stories you like to play out, we might not always have the time or the inspiration to make that happen. So we tried to pin down the most important aspects of a villainous group, and build out some charts to help a GM flesh them out. As always, these charts are more inspirational than mechanical and will need more thought to make them ‘real’. And, and any result that does not work for you should be discarded, or replaced by one that works better.

Foe-Matic: The Random Adversary Generator


The first question we should ask is how large the group is. Are they a small local band of bandits, or an international conspiracy? Roll 1d and consult the table.

1d RollGroup Size
1Small committed cadre
2Group limited to single class or group/race
3Group found in a limited region or terrain
4Group not uncommon, but membership is not acknowledged
5Group common but not popular
6Common throughout society

If you are having trouble deciding on a class, region, or race, there are a number of online randomizers that can help you. Or simply roll 1d, and the higher the number the more uncommon the choice. For a racial example, 1 or 2 would be humans and 6 could mean trolls.


This descriptor gives you a handle on the structure of the group and how others see it. Even with the same goals, a religious group will act differently than a secret society.

1d RollGroup Organization
2Strict hierarchy
3False front
6Secret Society

Leadership type

Similar to its organization, a group’s leadership will affect many aspects. Do all its members serve the whims of its beloved leader, or does a shadowy group of greybeards dictate its actions?

1d RollGroup Leadership
1Competing factions
2Charismatic leader
3Mysterious figure(s)
4Elected group
5Outside entity
6Elder masters

Both the mysterious figure and outside entity are kind of wildcards. The mysterious figure could be the king’s own sister trying to undermine his reign or the king himself in disguise. The outside entity could be anything from foreign influence to a dragon manipulating humans out of cruel pleasure.


This is why the group exists in the first place. it may not be the only thing it is involved in, but it is what its members signed up for.

1d RollGroup Goals
1Power over target
2Wealth from target
3Destruction of target
4Revenge/Justice for target
5Acceptance of beliefs
6Fulfill prophecy/long-term plan


You can’t have a goal without a target. You want to rule? Over what? You want revenge? Against who? These options are also fairly abstract, and will need additional work from the GM.

1d RollGoal Target
1Regional Rulership
2Class of society (nobles, artisans, traders, workers, etc.)
3Type of being
4Single person
5Legendary object
6Strategic area


This is how the group goes about meeting its goal. Are they roving bands of marauders or clever manipulative spies? There is room for all (and more) in the landscape of your campaign.

1d RollGroup Methods
1Secrecy and stealth
2Threats and intimidation
4Military action
5Theft and extortion
6Political maneuvering and bribery

Beyond the skills and tactics above, the chart below gives additional tools to your groups’ arsenal as well as additional character. A murderous group of well-respected people will be treated much differently than one that relies on mob violence.

1d RollGroup Assets
2Access to powerful people
3Intelligence / Espionage
5Mob violence
6Public perception

While not absolutely required, giving your villains a handicap can make them more interesting and give your heroes the edge. If the powerful villains are undermined by their own politics, maybe one of their leaders’ can be convinced to switch sides?

1d RollGroup Limitation
1Group of sworn enemies
2Competitive organization
3Internal squabbling
4Lack of information
5Prophesied nemesis

Adversarial output

To explore the idea a little further, we rolled a few groups on the charts above, and tried to expand the results into groups that could work in your games. To simplify things, we created a Google spreadsheet that generates single-sentence descriptions from the inputs here.

A religious not uncommon group, whose membership is not acknowledged led by a mysterious figure(s) is working for the acceptance of their beliefs from a legendary object, primarily using threats and intimidation, aided by public perception, and thwarted by a lack of information.

A cult common among working people across the kingdom believes that only the enlightened will survive the coming harvest when their chosen Tiller will strike down those who do not follow their strict doctrine with the legendary Adamant Harrow. Their relentless pursuit of this lost artifact is accepted by those in power out of fear of the masses of believers hidden in plain sight and the general popularity of the faith. The real question for the devoted is where the Harrow might be found, and if it exists at all.

A secret group limited to a single class or group/race led by an outside entity is working to achieve power over a class of society, primarily using secrecy and stealth, aided by intelligence / espionage, and thwarted by a prophesied nemesis.

The increasingly murky lines of succession among the nobility are being further muddled by the moves of a secret cadre of lesser nobles manipulated by an octopus wizard maneuvering to put its minions into positions of power to aid its push to command both sides of the coastal region. Between their machinations and the wizard’s powers of perception and coercion, the reins of power are close to their tentacled grasp. Only the return of the lost heir long claimed by loyalists could put an end to their scheming.

A secret common but not popular group led by a charismatic leader is working to fulfill prophecy/long-term plan against a class of society, primarily using theft and extortion, aided by wealth, and thwarted by a lack of information.

The Red Hood is a feared group of smugglers and thieves that has been working to break the hold that the crafting guilds have over commerce by flooding markets with illicit goods or undermining enemies with theft and threats. Their leader — by common acceptance — is a surprisingly prosperous caravan master known as Thom the Hostler who does not claim control but vocally supports these ends. It’s greedy and violent members have had limited success but they have so far been unable to infiltrate the guilds and bring them down from within.

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