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Into the woods: Exploring the Arástavar

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” ― John Muir Following the Tien up-river from Falcon’s Reach through the wooded hill country, the tree cover gets denser and denser until you find yourself in the mightiest…

Spells in Spaaaaace!

“A little magic can take you a long way.” — Roald Dahl Wherever a sentient species explores, wherever it plants its flags, it carries its culture and traditions with it. And if your traditions include magic, it won’t be long…

Familiarity breeds context

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ― Anatole France Fantasy literature and folklore are filled with tales of wizard’s with small companions, whispering secrets to them or spying on their enemies. And many…