IQ Requirement | Name | Type | Description | ST Cost |
IQ8 | Blur | T | Subtracts 4 from DX of all attacks/spells against subject. | 1/1 |
IQ8 | Detect Magic | T | Tells user whether the item is magic or has any spells on it. | 1 |
IQ8 | Drop Weapon | T | Makes victim drop whatever is in one hand. | 1 or 2 |
IQ8 | Image | C | Creates any image occupying one hex. | 1 |
IQ8 | Light | T | Makes any small item glow like a torch | 1 |
IQ8 | Magic Fist | M | A telekinetic blow. Does 1d-2 damage for every ST point. | V |
IQ8 | Slow Movement | T | Halves victim’s MA for 4 turns. | 2 |
IQ8 | Staff | S | This spell is used to make any piece of wood into a wizard staff. | 5 |
IQ9 | Aid | T | Temporarily adds 1 to ST, DX, or IQ of any figure. | V |
IQ9 | Avert | T | Victim must end movement at least 2 hexes farther from the wizard than he started. | 2/1 |
IQ9 | Clumsiness | T | Subtracts 2 from victim’s DX for every 1 ST uses. | V |
IQ9 | Confusion | T | Subtracts 2 from victim’s IQ for every 1 ST the wizard uses. | V |
IQ9 | Dark Vision | T | Gives subject the ability to see normally, even in total dark, for 1 hour. | 3 |
IQ9 | Darkness | S | Extinguishes all artificial lights within its range. | V |
IQ9 | Detect Life | S | Tells the wizard whether there are any living beings within 2 MH. | 2 |
IQ9 | Fire | C | Fills one hex with magical flame. | 1 |
IQ9 | Look Your Best | T | This spell will give a+2 to a casual reaction roll | 1/1 |
IQ9 | Reveal Magic | S | Find out what secret protective spells or devices his foes may be using. | 1/1 |
IQ9 | Summon Scout | C | Brings a rat or any other small mammal to spy or scout. | 1/1 |
IQ9 | Summon Wolf | C | Brings a wolf to follow wizard’s orders. | 2/1 |
IQ9 | Turn Missiles | T | Causes any missile aimed at the spell’s subject to automatically miss | 1/1 |
IQ10 | Adhesion | S | Holds two things together permanently. | |
IQ10 | Clearheadedness | T | Removes all IQ and DX penalties | 1 |
IQ10 | Close Vision | T | Improves close-up vision as much as a large magnifying glass | 1 |
IQ10 | Dazzle | S | Creates a blinding psychic flash. | 3 |
IQ10 | Detect Enemies | S | Picks up only on beings with general or specific hostile intent. | 3+ |
IQ10 | Dispel Missiles | T | Dispels any missiles aimed at the spell’s subject. | 1/1 |
IQ10 | Far Vision | T | Subject of this spell has his distance vision is increased a hundred times. | 1 |
IQ10 | Lock/Knock | T | This spell controls doors, gates, etc. to hold something closed or to open it. | 2 |
IQ10 | Meal | C | Creates a modest meal for one | 2+ |
IQ10 | Minor Medicament | T | Heals small ailments. | 2 |
IQ10 | Shadow | C | Fills one hex with totally black shadow. | 1 |
IQ10 | Shock Shield | T | Does 1 die of damage to any creature in the subject’s hex. | 2/1 |
IQ10 | Speed Movement | T | Doubles MA of target figure for 4 turns. | 2 |
IQ10 | Staff to Snake | T | Lets wizard turn his own staff into a snake. | 1 |
IQ10 | Stalwart | T | Lets target ignore all minor inconveniences of the environment. | 3 |
IQ10 | Summon Myrmidon | C | Brings a warrior to follow wizard’s orders. | 2/1 |
IQ10 | Trailtwister | S | Confuse pursuing enemies who are not actually within sight. | 4 |
IQ10 | Trip | T | Knocks victim down. | 2 or 4 |
IQ10 | Ward | S | Anything that comes through the will be known to the casting wizard. | 2 |
IQ10 | Whisper | T | The subject can direct his voice to any listener, and no one else will hear his speech. | 1 |
IQ11 | Acid Touch | T | Acid adds 1 die to any bare-handed damage | 1/1 |
IQ11 | Control Animal | T | Puts any one animal under wizard’s control as long as spell is maintained. | 2/1 |
IQ11 | Create Wall | C | Creates a solid wall in one hex . | 2 |
IQ11 | Delete Writing | T | Removes all handwriting from a single page of paper. | 1 |
IQ11 | Destroy Creation | T | Removes any one thing created by a Creation spell | 1 |
IQ11 | Ferment | T | Useful for making wine, beer, bread, mead, cheese, yoghurt. | 2 or 6 |
IQ11 | Great Voice | T | Subject’s voice is audible to everyone within bowshot. | 1 |
IQ11 | Illusion | C | Creates any 1-hex illusion. See Images and Illusions. | 2 |
IQ11 | Persuasiveness | T | Lets subject of spell speak convincingly. | 2/1 |
IQ11 | Reveal/Conceal | T | Find or hide objects, or spells on objects. | 2+ |
IQ11 | Reverse Missiles | T | Causes any missiles aimed at the subject to turn against the one who fired them. | 2/1 |
IQ11 | Rope | C | Creates a magical rope to entangle victim | 2 |
IQ11 | Scour | T | Cleans one item, or a general cleanup to a person or MH. | 1 |
IQ11 | Silent Movement | T | Lets subject of spell walk, run, climb, etc., totally noiselessly. | 1/1 |
IQ11 | Sleep | T | Puts victim to sleep. | 3 |
IQ11 | Staff II / Manastaff | S | Like the basic Staff, except it now has a Mana stat to be charged with. | V |
IQ11 | Summon Bear | C | Brings a bear to follow wizard’s orders. | 4/1 |
IQ12 | 3-Hex Fire | C | Fire covering up to 3 connected hexes. | 2 |
IQ12 | 3-Hex Shadow | C | Shadow covering up to 3 connected hexes. | 2 |
IQ12 | Analyze Magic | T | Tells the wizard the exact enchantment on any one object. | 4 |
IQ12 | Blast | S | Does 1 die of damage to every creature in the wizard’s hex or adjacent to it. | 2 |
IQ12 | Break Weapon | T | Shatters one weapon, shield, staff, etc., in hand of a foe. | 3 |
IQ12 | Breathe Fire | T | Allows the wizard to breathe flames. | 3/1 |
IQ12 | Cleanse Poison | T | Removes all poisons from food and drink within a hex. | 4 |
IQ12 | Drain Strength | S | Lets wizard drain life force from others humans into himself. | 0 |
IQ12 | Eyes-Behind | T | S hexes treated as front hexes, and rear hex treated as a side hex. | 3/1 |
IQ12 | Fireball | M | Creates a fiery missile. | V |
IQ12 | Freeze | T | Totally freezes victim and stops all actions. | 4 |
IQ12 | Friendship | S | Calms everyone within 10 yards and line of sight of the caster. | V |
IQ12 | Invisibility | T | Lets wizard make himself (or another) invisible. | 3/1 |
IQ12 | Mage Sight | T | Allows its subject to see concealed objects | 2/1 |
IQ12 | Magic Rainstorm | C | Creates a “storm” one megahex in size. | 4 |
IQ12 | Pathfinder | S | Used to choose between two paths. | 3 |
IQ12 | Repair | T | This spell will magically repair any simple item of weight less than 5 lbs. | 6 |
IQ12 | Soothe | T | Calms an upset person or animal. | 1 |
IQ13 | 3-Hex Wall | C | Wall affecting any three connected hexes. | 4 |
IQ13 | 4-Hex Image | C | Create an image of anything no greater than 4 hexes in size. | 2 |
IQ13 | Control Elemental | T | Puts any one elemental under wizard’s control as long as spell is maintained. | 3/1 |
IQ13 | Control Person | T | Puts any one figure under wizard’s control | 3/1 |
IQ13 | Curse | T | The Curse is a general “foul-up” spell cast at one individual. | V |
IQ13 | Fireproofing | T | Makes subject immune to all effects of fire. | 3/1 |
IQ13 | Flight | T | Lets subject fly. | 3/1 |
IQ13 | Open Tunnel | T | Turns one hex of rock into air. | 10 |
IQ13 | Scrying | S | The Scrying spell is used to see what is happening somewhere else. | V |
IQ13 | Slippery Floor | T | Makes the floor over one megahex extremely slick. | 3 |
IQ13 | Staff III / Staff of Striking | S | Staff may strike a figure two hexes away, and the to-hit roll is made at +3. | V |
IQ13 | Sticky Floor | T | Makes an area of floor 1 MH in size magically “sticky.” | 3 |
IQ13 | Stone Flesh | T | Gives subject’s body the power to act as armor, stopping 4 hits per attack. | 2/1 |
IQ13 | Stop | T | The victim of this spell has a MA of zero for the next four turns. | 3 |
IQ13 | Summon Gargoyle | C | Brings a regular Gargoyle to serve wizard. | 4/1 |
IQ13 | Telekinesis | T | Lets wizard move objects by the force of his mind. | 2/2 |
IQ14 | 4-Hex Illusion | C | Create any illusion no greater than 4 hexes in size. | 3 |
IQ14 | Dispel Illusions | S | Causes all illusions within 5 megahexes to vanish immediately. | 5 |
IQ14 | Duplicate Writing | T | Copies one side of a handwritten page of a reasonable size. | 2 |
IQ14 | Explosive Gem | S | Create an Explosive Gem may be made to go off when disturbed, or when thrown. | V |
IQ14 | Fresh Air | T | The subject of this spell can breathe normally. | 2/1 |
IQ14 | Glamor | T | Glamor is cast over a living creature to appear as other than what he is. | 10 |
IQ14 | Lightning | M | Missile does 1 die damage for each ST point the wizard puts into it. | V |
IQ14 | Remove Thrown Spell | T | Negates the effect of any Thrown-type spell. | 2 |
IQ14 | Restore Device | T | This spell will fix broken springs, restore gear teeth, replace wires, and so on. | 12+ |
IQ14 | Spell Shield | T | Prevents any spells from being cast on its . | 3/1 |
IQ14 | Summon Giant | C | Brings a giant to follow wizard’s orders. | 3/1 |
IQ14 | Summon Lesser Demon | C | Allows wizard to summon a minor demon, who will perform one service for him. | 20 |
IQ14 | Telepathy | T | Lets wizard read mind of one subject. | 4/1 |
IQ14 | Weapon/Armor Enchantment | T | Improve Armor and weapons through magic | V |
IQ15 | 7-Hex Image | C | Lets wizard create any image occupying up to 7 connected hexes. | 4 |
IQ15 | 7-Hex Shadow | C | Shadow affecting up to 7 connected hexes. | 3 |
IQ15 | Astral Projection | S | Lets the wizard send his “astral body” to another place while he apparently sleeps. | 10 |
IQ15 | Calling | S | The caster of this spell can attract the closest being of any specified kind. | 5 |
IQ15 | Create Gate | C | Allows the wizard to make a Gate | 100 |
IQ15 | Giant Rope | C | A stronger version of the Rope spell. | 5 |
IQ15 | Hammertouch | T | The subject of this spell can strike with his fist | V |
IQ15 | Iron Flesh | T | Lets the subject’s body stop 6 hits per attack. | 3/1 |
IQ15 | Megahex Avert | T | Like Avert, but cast on the occupants of a whole megahex. | 3/1 |
IQ15 | Pentagram | C | Creates a magical barrier that keeps out occult influences. | 5/1 |
IQ15 | Regeneration | T | Regrows all missing parts of the subject and restores full health. | 30 |
IQ15 | Staff IV / Staff of Power | S | Like Staff III, except that no roll to hit is required, and the attack is a free action. | V |
IQ15 | Summon Small Dragon | C | Brings a small (4-hex) dragon to follow wizard’s orders. | 5/1 |
IQ15 | Teleport | S | Instantly “blinks” wizard to another hex. | V |
IQ15 | Unnoticeability | T | Makes its subject hard to notice. | 3/1 |
IQ16 | 7-Hex Fire | C | Fire on any 7 connected hexes. | 4 |
IQ16 | 7-Hex Illusion | C | Creates an illusion occupying no more than 7 connected hexes. | 5 |
IQ16 | 7-Hex Wall | C | Wall affecting any 7 connected hexes. | 6 |
IQ16 | Create/Destroy Elemental | S | Create one elemental, which will do the bidding of its creator for one day. | V/10 |
IQ16 | Death Spell | T | Compare the ST of the wizard with the victim. The lower ST is lost by both. | V |
IQ16 | Long-Distance Telepathy | S | Allows a wizard to send a short message to anyone he knows. | 12 |
IQ16 | Megahex Sleep | T | Sleep affects every figure with ST less than 20 in a single megahex. | 8 |
IQ16 | Summon Dragon | C | Brings a 7-hex dragon to serve wizard. | 5/2 |
IQ16 | Trance | S | The wizard may ask one yes-no question of the GM. | 10 |
IQ16 | Write Scroll | S | Lets wizard create a Scroll. | 0 |
IQ17 | Blast Trap | S | An object explodes under condition set by the wizard. | V |
IQ17 | Cleansing | T | This spell will kill all small life forms within the specified area. | 20 |
IQ17 | Diamond Flesh | T | Stops 8 hits/attack. | 4/1 |
IQ17 | Dissolve Enchantment | T | This spell will disenchant a person or object of any one spell on it. | 50+ |
IQ17 | Expunge | S | Erase the enchantment on the object when specific conditions are met. | 125+ |
IQ17 | Geas | S | A Geas is a command to do, or not to do, a certain thing. | 10 |
IQ17 | Insubstantiality | T | The subject of this spell is rendered temporarily “out of phase” | 4/2 |
IQ17 | Remove Cursed Object | T | Suppresses spell on an object long enough to allow the wearer to put it down or take it off. | 20 |
IQ17 | Staff V / Staff of Mastery | S | Like Staff IV, except that the Mana of the staff may be raised up to twice the wizard’s IQ, | V |
IQ17 | Spellsniffer | T | This spell gives its subject a combined Reveal, Detect, and Analyze Magic. | 2/1 |
IQ17 | Summon Demon | C | Allows wizard to summon a 3-hex Greater Demon. | 30 |
IQ17 | The Little Death | T | This spell puts its subject in a suspended animation closely resembling death. | 4 or 10 |
IQ18 | Control Gate | C | Determine where the other end of a Gate is and what rules govern it | 50 |
IQ18 | Lesser Magic Item Creation | S | Lets wizard create any item on the Lesser Magic Item list. | V |
IQ18 | Megahex Freeze | T | A Freeze spell which affects all figures with ST less than 20 in a given megahex | 12 |
IQ18 | Shapeshifting | T | Transforms its subject into any known type of creature. | 20 or 10 |
IQ18 | Wizard’s Wrath | M | Missile does 1d+1 damage for each ST the wizard puts into it. | V |
IQ19 | Long-Distance Teleport | S | Lets wizard “blink” himself or another from anyplace to anyplace else | 20 |
IQ19 | Revival | T | This spell will restore adea d creature to life, within an hour. | 50 |
IQ19 | Zombie | T | Lets wizard reanimate a corpse to create an undead servant. | V |
IQ20 | Greater Magic Item Creation | S | Lets wizard create any magic item on the Greater Magic Item. | V |
IQ20 | Possession | S | The wizard puts himself into a trance and takes over the body of some other creature. | 20 |
IQ20 | Word of Command | S | A wizard can say the Word to any figure and compel obedience. | 3 |